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iunfluxdb go client는 writing 방법으로 non-blocking방식과 blocking 방식을 지원한다.
package main
import (
func main() {
client := influxdb2.NewClientWithOptions("http://localhost:8086", "${my-token}",
ctx := context.Background()
bucketsAPI := client.BucketsAPI()
org, err := client.OrganizationAPI().FindOrganizationByName(ctx, "mobigen")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR. Cannot find organization")
bucket, err := bucketsAPI.CreateBucketWithName(ctx, org, "rand-buck", domain.RetentionRule{EverySeconds: 3600 * 12})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error. Cannot create bucket")
// Get non-blocking write client
writeAPI := client.WriteAPI(org.Name, bucket.Name)
// Read and log errors
errorsCh := writeAPI.Errors()
go func(){
for err := range errorsCh {
fmt.Printf("write error: %s\n", err.Error())
// write some points
for i := 0; i <100; i++ {
// create point
p := influxdb2.NewPoint(
"contID": fmt.Sprintf("contID_%v", i),
"contName": fmt.Sprintf("contName_%v", i),
"vendor": "mobigen",
"utime": rand.Float64(),
"stime": rand.Float64(),
"cutime": rand.Float64(),
"cstime": rand.Float64(),
"rxByte": rand.Float64(),
"rxPacket": rand.Float64(),
"txByte": rand.Float64(),
"txPacket": rand.Float64(),
"vmsize": rand.Float64(),
"vmrss": rand.Float64(),
"rssfile": rand.Float64(),
// write asynchronously
// Force all unwritten data to be sent
// Ensures background processes finishes
주요 함수
NewPoint 함수는 형식에 맞추어 데이터를 쓰면 된다.
func NewPoint(
measurement string,
tags map[string]string,
fields map[string]interface{},
ts time.Time,
메소드는 data를 write 할 때 발생한 error를 읽어서 채널에 리턴해주는데, 비동기 방식에서만 사용 가능하다. (그렇지 않으면 이 메소드가 write 프로세스를 block하기 때문)
// Read and log errors
errorsCh := writeAPI.Errors()
go func(){
for err := range errorsCh {
fmt.Printf("write error: %s\n", err.Error())
Blocking 방식 writing은 batch size를 명시하지 않고 set of points 단위로 생성된다.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new client using an InfluxDB server base URL and an authentication token
client := influxdb2.NewClient("http://localhost:8086", "my-token")
// Get blocking write client
writeAPI := client.WriteAPIBlocking("my-org","my-bucket")
// write some points
for i := 0; i <100; i++ {
// create data point
p := influxdb2.NewPoint(
"id": fmt.Sprintf("rack_%v", i%10),
"vendor": "AWS",
"hostname": fmt.Sprintf("host_%v", i%100),
"temperature": rand.Float64() * 80.0,
"disk_free": rand.Float64() * 1000.0,
"disk_total": (i/10 + 1) * 1000000,
"mem_total": (i/100 + 1) * 10000000,
"mem_free": rand.Uint64(),
// write synchronously
err := writeAPI.WritePoint(context.Background(), p)
if err != nil {
// Ensures background processes finishes
package main
import (
func main() {
org := "mobigen"
token := "${token}"
url := "http://localhost:8086"
// Create a new client using an InfluxDB server base URL and an authentication token
client := influxdb2.NewClient(url, token)
// Get query client
queryAPI := client.QueryAPI(org)
// get QueryTableResult
result, err := queryAPI.Query(context.Background(), `from(bucket:"rand-buck")
|> range(start:-8h)
|> filter(fn:(r) =>
r._measurement == "rand-buck" and
r._field == "utime" or r._field == "stime")
|> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey:["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with _value: r.utime + r.stime}))
|> yield(name: "_results")`)
if err == nil {
// Iterate over query response
for result.Next() {
// Access data
fmt.Printf("Time: %v\n", result.Record().Time())
fmt.Printf("ContainerName: %v | ", result.Record().ValueByKey("contName"))
fmt.Printf("utime + stime: %v\n", result.Record().Value())
// check for an error
if result.Err() != nil {
fmt.Printf("query parsing error: %s\n", result.Err().Error())
} else {
fmt.Printf("ERROR. Cannot serve qeury result\n")
// Ensures background processes finishes
출력 결과
[root@node01 hb]# ./influx-goclient
Time: 2021-03-24 01:46:13.295213661 +0000 UTC
ContainerName: name0 | utime + stime: 1.545169376024632
Time: 2021-03-24 01:46:13.295373905 +0000 UTC
ContainerName: name1 | utime + stime: 1.0279038335724717
Time: 2021-03-24 01:46:13.295725902 +0000 UTC
ContainerName: name10 | utime + stime: 1.0135963801679202
Time: 2021-03-24 01:46:13.295754915 +0000 UTC
ContainerName: name11 | utime + stime: 0.6264307459330203
Time: 2021-03-24 01:46:13.295776496 +0000 UTC
ContainerName: name12 | utime + stime: 1.5148849208782624
Time: 2021-03-24 01:46:13.29579993 +0000 UTC
ContainerName: name13 | utime + stime: 0.11503004905526187
Result Data 접근
result.Record().${아래 요소}
함수 | Parameter | Output type | 설명 |
Field | string | output table의 field 값 리턴 | |
Measurement | string | output table의 measurement 값 리턴 | |
Start, Stop, Time | time.Time | 해당 데이터의 조회 시작/조회 끝/입력 시간 | |
Value | interface{} | Field의 Value값 리턴, _value column의 값이 존재하지 않을 시 nil 리턴 |
Values | map[string]interface{} | 기본 output table 전체 값 리턴 | |
ValueByKey | Key값(string) | interface{} | Values() 의 리턴값에서 indexing |
Field m func() string
Measurement m func() string
Start m func() time.Time
Stop m func() time.Time
String m func() string
Table m func() int
Time m func() time.Time
Value m func() interface{}
Values m func() map[string]interface{}
ValueByKey m func(key string) interface{}